Already a fan and watcher #12 until the end. I’m always looking for fans as well!! Please help me with my 300 watchers badge!! I always am willing to help and pay it forward!!
friends plz help me out and I will help u out or anyone that need help just let me know VERA BRADLEY WALLET NEEDING MORE WATCHER BADGES eding-more-watcher
Watching Until The END! Please watch my Watcher Auction for A Brand New In Box "New Moon - Jacob" Barbie Collector Doll. :) Good Luck!! You are always welcome to advertise on any of my auctions.
Watching your auction please watch mine going for 210 watcher and 3000 fan I only going to ask people too watch my auction one more time then I am taking a break but I will still watch other people if I ask you the same question I am sorry I got 10 days to hit my goal here we go here the link