Honest mistakes happen and I believe it to be a very very good replica if it has the ykk on the zipper as the tracksuit I own that is juicy and has the ykk on the zipper I would never ever have know it to be a replica if it wasn't for the fact that I bought three from the same ebay seller and two I found out where fake even though he swore they were real and I figured if all the rest he is selling are fake that one has to be to I think he just got it from a better more high quality supplier. If you google fakes you will see that there is some very expensive replicas out there I think because they are real close to the real deal down to the YKK on the zipper.
It is fake someone who was bidding asked me to see about it and I looked up the number and a ebay guide comes up with this number being one of the fake numbers o watch out for, I bought a replica juicy tracksuit and it had the YKK on the zipper I think they might be getting smarter lol. Here is a link to that quide if you want to see for yourself http://reviews.ebay.com/FAKE-SERIAL-NUMBERS-AND-COUNTERFEIT-COACH-BAGS_W0QQugidZ10000000002744619 sometimes the links when you post them on listia don't work if it don't work google coach and the full serial number and you will see the ebay quide and scroll down a bit and you will find this comment These numbers on PURSES are always fake:
wow jnc they are , the start from hardly noticiable and a half a c to completly noticiable and a whole c...this MAY be a knock off... but im not sure, because i dont know the serial number