Do you have anymore to put up for auction if I don't win this one or can you GIN? My mother is a correctional officer and would love this.. I had purchased one similiar a few months back although it was only one set of handcuffs on it and it tarnished horribly.. Great auction :) .
Thanks... yes I have more..... can't guarantee these won't tarnish either (made in China like everything!) I heard you just have to keep things like this clean... i.e. wipe off with clean cloth every night or such and they do well is the hint (get sweat off etc).
W@W never mind I just read the other comments lol save me one of these and we will work out something man and check out my new Treasure chest of goodies I listed !!! Have a wonderful 4th man!!!
i saw and bid on the first chest..... but it got too rich I will save you one... I was just complaining to the supplier! They screwed up the shipment perhaps.. .I'm checking with DHL.... AARRGGGHHHH thats 3 shipments that were all way later than they should have been.... I'm really mad
thanks...... lol I yelled at supplier yesterday, they lied about sending 9 days ago and just sent a couple days ago... so about a week more.... UGH... and that batch was for 5 items I have so i extended all the auctions w/o bids yet, but they'll get here..... sheesh... at least it's DHL so will be fast once it gets going
ok..... running out door now but can do a side deal later... or bid here or on next auction... i am still waiting on them from overseas.... grrr shipping screw up on their part, so about 1 week before i get.... -( should have been here 4 - 5 days ago.