The listing, Lots of Key Chains has ended.
This is my first Kind of auction like this but since everyone seems to be doing these kind i thought i would try it out.
This auction is for ONE Key Chain(your pick) for each 1000 credits I will add another key chain till i run out. so for
1000-2 key chains
2000-3 key chains
all the way to a total of 39 key chains
These are the key chains listed.
Car keys, I Love to Bowl, Wanted a man secure enough to do laundry,wash dishes, run the sweeper, dust, cook and clean the bathroom and strong enough to fool around afterwards!, The Single Girls Evening Prayer-Now I lay me down to sleep. I wish I had a man for keeps. Should there be a man Beneath my bed...I hope he heard each word I said!,God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change etc., Never wrong just misunderstood!, If a woman's Place is in the home. Why am i always in the car??, May my car always run as well as my pantyhose, Mom's Taxi,I Deliver!,Key's to my Love Machine, When the going gets tough the tough go shopping,, friends are forever, Edaville R.R. The Cranberry Belt Line South Carver, MA,
In the two bulk pictures you will find a: lipstick, punching gloves,dog, pipe, sunglasses, baseball,roller-blades,xylophone, harmonica,thermometer heart, cup,boy & girl, key chain no design. football, ice cream heart, ladybug, fish, snake, platypus, american flag, notepaper, cow,Northern Trust Bank
Mom Keys, House Keys, Record & Headphones Key Chains are GONE!
The Test was a bust-I am right there is no difference between FREE Shipping vs Exact Shipping-it all depends on the KIND of Auction.