I sort through legos a lot to weed out the off brands. I find a cheap magnifying glass helps so much. Sometimes that lego logo is very small and hard to find. Hope this helps for the future.
Thank You...a magnifying glass wouldn't help me..I have bifocals on my glasses...it's the squinting to see that little print that gets me...I didn't even know there was a differance until one of my winners told me...
it will remain.i'm a huge fan of NYC thats why i made it.i collect nyc stuff so pretty much my whole living room is covered with it..is the only reason i made it.
The Liberty in my project, is not LEGO.its just a statute but if you look at my flicker pics again i did upload a statue of liberty that i did make out of lego http://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanewilky/