Yeah my daughter was born in march and didn't need it, then my son was just born in need for it now!!! He was a major preemie so he wore doll clothes until he was two months old!!!
My grandson is 8 days old today but is already running out of clothes cause he spits up on everything lol. My daughter has to do laundry just about everyday cause she can't afford to buy him anymore clothes due to not having a job right now. I hope I win this for the baby.
Hopefully she has some left toward the end. You're lucky to have a daughter like her!!! We have been chatting in the comments on the shoes.........I wish my parents were more like you!!!
Well, my mother hates me so I wish I had a family that supported me the way you seem to support her. My mother wants nothing to do with my children. I have a few more auctions for diapers and baby stuff up and if you win a few of them I will combine them to save you on shipping. I have newborn and huggies size 1 diapers up that my son can't wear anymore.
thanks i'll take a look. sorry to hear about your situation. I try my best to be a good father but it's a shame to hear your mother wants nothing to do with you or your kids.
Good Luck and I'll be watching for anymore wins!!! I figure its her lose if she doesn't want to know her grandkids, my oldest is 7 and she will come get him from school once in a while but won't keep him very long...........says their my responsibility and she isn't a babysitter.