How would you like to Get Corporate Credit Without the Risks of Personal Guarantees, and Without Using Or Damaging Your Personal Credit. How would you like to live your dreams doing that one thing your passionate about. You hear the stories about entrepreneur's everyday who become big and famous doing what they love. Many of them go broke when they don't have to.
This book is not going to tell you how to live your dreams, it's not going to be the inspiration to do it, it's not even a guide on how to woo poiticians and beurocrats into your favor. What it will tell you is how and why you should incorporate and use corporate credit instead of personal cash.
If you're like anyone with a 1099 position or small / home business you probably have to struggle just to make ends meet. You may think this is because you don't have a team of investors or a big cash cow. But, honesty it's because every time you try to grow a business on personal finances you damage your credit score and make it harder for you to obtain new credit. You do this whenever you Apply for credit with your social security number, Run up balances on your credit cards or credit lines, Make cash advances, Get declined for new credit.
This is a must read for anyone starting out. If there is something you love, & want to turn into a full or part time business you need to read this.
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Thank You, Good Luck, and Have a great day. :-D