Free: Pee Wee not Herman - Necklaces - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Pee Wee not Herman

Pee Wee not Herman
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The listing, Pee Wee not Herman has ended.

While going through "the box" guess what else I found? Yep, some serial killers.

My serial killers make people SO mad. They go on and on about the victims.

EXACTLY! People start talking about the victims.... when else does anyone EVER think about the victims? NEVER. YOU ANGRY PEOPLE ARE THINKING ABOUT THE VICTIMS NOW. GOTCHA. YOU WEREN'T BEFORE!

So, since I profit MINORLY off these jerks that I've spent 18+ years studying, I am "Satan incarnate" (That was according to one lady.)... so be it. I don't believe in Satan.

The plus in this is that I am blocked by people I wouldn't like in the first place.

Bluntly put, man's "evil" side is a huge curiousity to millions. (There are quotes there because I don't believe in "evil" as most people see it.) And none of you are WRONG to be curious. There is bad out there. Bad happens.

Serial killers are a curiosity.

Even after all these years... I'm still curious.

"Donald "Pee Wee" Gaskins was the most prolific serial killer in South Carolina history. Once his brutality was unleashed, he knew no boundaries, torturing, killing, cannibalizing victims, both male and female. In his taped memoirs for the book, Final Truth by author Wilton Earl, Gaskins said, 'I have walked the same path as God, by taking lives and making others afraid, I became God's equal. Through killing others, I became my own master. Through my own power I come to my own redemption..'"

I just think he had a Napoleon complex. He was about 5'5".
Questions & Comments
that instinctual,"Ugh, bad, me no like, so you bad!" response without much thought into it.
Aug 5th, 2013 at 10:47:31 AM PDT by
Normally from undereducated, menopausal housewives.
Aug 5th, 2013 at 1:50:05 PM PDT by
so, are people saying that you should make jewelry out of the victims? Or are they saying we should forget the killers and the victims? I am not sure of their motivations here...I could really go on for days....
Aug 5th, 2013 at 12:12:06 AM PDT by
They go nuts about the serial killers getting any attention I believe. As if the vics families ever forget for a second. It's basically that these self righteous idiots don't want "ugly" in their perfect little bubble of a world they live in.
Aug 5th, 2013 at 6:08:06 AM PDT by
I'd like to see more of these!
Aug 4th, 2013 at 5:20:56 PM PDT by
There will be. :) I found a bunch of print outs I had done a good long while ago. I just need to piece some things together. Waiting on some supplies and some free time to come my way, as well. ;)
Aug 4th, 2013 at 11:37:23 PM PDT by
I love your description :3
Aug 8th, 2013 at 3:04:09 AM PDT by
so am I, I totally agree with u
Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:05:26 PM PDT by
I think the ppl that have a problem with your ideas are over educated rich btchs (misspelled on purpose)
Aug 9th, 2013 at 2:06:43 PM PDT by
(: I am menopausal...a housewife too...I don't know how you estimate under-educated!!! Is that no college??? No HS??? (: I am very intelligent...but the menopausal part makes me about as crazy as a serial killer!!!LOL Pee Wee was a very bad little man...a lot of the stuff he told in his book was part of his "God Complex" and very probably not true! He was at my Dad's home often and his girlfriend Suzan (Legs as we called her) was a nut case too, but such a sweet person...(as nuts usually are)!!! My Dad was the pastor that was allowed to see Pee Wee before his execution and he showed absolutely no remorse for anything he had done...he was still bragging...till the end! What makes them tick is the curiosity!!!!
Aug 10th, 2013 at 8:32:57 PM PDT by
Funny people would complain about Serial Killers?! Just turn on the TV & my guess is THEY LOVE Criminal Mind & All the shows and/or movies that "profile" Serial Killers. They are "closet serial killer lovers) Just too embarrassed? to say they are very interested. Prob think they will be judged by the Listia Mods & people they don't even know. Hahaha They create what they most defend against
Aug 11th, 2013 at 6:45:39 AM PDT by
Omgs I would so love this but I gotta sale stuff again
Aug 11th, 2013 at 1:36:48 PM PDT by

Pee Wee not Herman is in the Jewelry & Watches | Necklaces category