okay wish I had enough to share with everyone but then we would complain about all the bees =O yep epi pen in stock lol.....we will get everyone I can some at least for indoor in winter you can train to grow in container gardens inside. Looks like falls crop of seeds is going to be great so I can't promise all because I don't have records of all. But we can work on a few. I just won't give my last little bit away. Grandma used to say if you throw good seed away the next crop you'll be a wantin'....which in our little kids minds went with starving LOL
Where I originally got my Lavender seeds and plants was at Selah Ridge Lavender Farm on Facebook. Have essential oils and pics of plants homemade soaps and lots of gifts. So if you missed out look up Facebook.com/SelahRidgeLavender Farms and help a small whole family business.