Hi Just Checking Back to Let You Know, There are No Worries on the Expiration Date, Long story short,,, Friend of Mine who Knows a Person who sells Medical Supplies told him its just a Corp Tactic so People Buy More New, rather than use what they have after that date, He said it's not like it's a Perishable Item, lol GOoo Figure anyway, thought I'd pass the FYI.... Tom :)
they just plug into tens unit, very easy. peel them off plastic holder one at a time and put on your body. then turn on your tens unit. remove one at a time and replace on plastic till next use. last quite a while before adhesive on pads start to lose grip. just went to check, there are instructions. will post pic tomorrow
Hi I was wondering why do those have an Expiration Date? I usually get a package of 10 delivered to me for the last few years and there is no Expiration Date on them. F & W :)