The listing, Pokemon cards lot has ended.
54 Pokémon cards all different
snorunt 64/108 common
glalie 18/99 rare w/ red sleeve
munna 48/114 uncommon
musharna 49/114 rare w/ red sleeve
meditite 113/147 common
medicham 34/147 rare reverse foil w/ red sleeve
gastly 63/102 common
haunter 35/102 uncommon
porygon 72/101 common reverse foil holo w/ red sleeve
porygon-z 6/106 rare reverse foil w/ red sleeve
remoraid 18/101 common
octillery 58/127 uncommon
mamoswine 5/102 rare holo w/ red sleeve
masquerain 55/123 uncommon
sigilyph 42/98 uncommon
relicanth 69/95 common
wormadam 49/99 uncommon
chatot G 54/147 uncommon
beedrill G 53/99 common reverse foil w/ red sleeve
reuniclus 53/101 rare w/ red sleeve
drifloon 50/124 common
gible 86/124 common
machop 67/102 common
yanma 84/102 common
spoink 77/102 common
kricketot 65/102 common
magmar 20/124 common
magnemite 43/135 common
nidoran ♀ 69/102 common
ponyta 72/99 common
chimchar 15/135 common
scyther 65/90 common
heatmor 23/135 uncommon
primeape 60/116 common
pawniard 71/116 common
roselia 61/95 common
riolu 75/135 common
rattata 64/90 common
patrat 111/135 common
poliwag 114/146 common
klang 89/135 uncommon
doduo 102/147 common
plusle 36/95 uncommon
teddiursa 65/95 common
stantler 64/95 common
shuppet 75/102 common
rufflet 115/135 common
horsea 49/95 common
pachirisu 118/147 common
magikarp 110/147 common
salamence 8/20 holo dragon vault w/ red sleeve
eelektross 41/101 rare w/ red sleeve
cherubi 96/147 common
slowking 28/113 rare foil w/ red sleeve
all cars are good to great condition
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