number 74 master of blades cxyz skypalace babylon princess cologne comics hero king arthur cxyz comics hero legend arthur tin archduke inzector exa-stag number 96 dark mist number 20 giga-brilliant madolche queen tieramisu number 16 shock master blade armor ninja grenosaurus battlecruiser dianthus number 63 shamoji soldier cxyz dark fairy cheer girl shark fortress king of the feral imps googly-eyes drum dragon shark caesar number 30 acid golem of destruction ice princess zereort
b.skull dragon -1 secret white night dragon-1 secret photon wyvern-1 secret red-eyes darkness dragon -1 ultra lightpulsar dragon-1 ultra red-eyes b. dragon-1 ultra photon lizard-1 super blue-eyes white dragon-1 super dodger dragon-1 super light and darkness dragon-1 super dragon tactics-1 ultra hunter dragon-1 rare handcuffs dragon-1 rare hieratic dragon of tefnutt-1 rare rabidragon-3 common wattaildragon-3 common luster dragon-2 common armed dragon lv5-3 common axe dragonute-2 common mirage dragon-2 common hieratic dragon of nutt -3 common spear dragon -3 common red-eyes b. chick-3 common cave dragon -1 common masked dragon-3 common bright star dragon-2 common the white stone of legend-1 common mountain-2 common if you need any thing else let me now i really need bottomless trap hole
3x High Priestess of Prophecy 3x Spellbook Magician of Prophecy 1x Temperance of Prophecy 1x Justice of Prophecy 2x Breaker the Magical Warrior 3x Effect Veiler 2x Tragoedia 1x CopyCat 1x Injection Fairy Lily
Spells (22) 2x The Grand Spellbook Tower 3x Spellbook of Secrets 2x Spellbook of The Master 2x Spellbook of Fate 2x Spellbook of Eternity 1x Spellbook of Power 1x Spellbook of Wisdom 1x Spellbook of Life 1x Spellbook Star Hall 3x Wonder Wand 1x Book of Moon 1x Monster Reborn 1x Dark Hole 1x Heavy Storm
Traps (2) 2x Threatening Roar
Extra Deck (15) 2x Number 11: Big Eye 1x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger 1x Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max 1x Gachi Gachi Gantetsu 1x Wind-Up Zenmaines 1x Leviair the Sea Dragon 1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn 1x Gagaga Cowboy 1x Abyss Dweller 1x Scrap Dragon 1x Stardust Dragon 1x Black Rose Dragon 1x Arcanite Magician 1x Tempest Magician
Side Deck (15) 3x Royal Decree 2x Mind Crush 2x Bottomless Trap Hole 2x Soul Drain 2x Soul Taker 2x Des Wombat 1x Dimensional Fissure 1x Breakthrough Skill