I will probley do that.. if u want i can go ahead and set it a GIN for 4500.. I really would like to get 5000 cause there is a Masonic ring i want, but i may do that for u.. Let me know inn a hurry before someone Bids. I will like i said prob do it gin for 4500 but is there anyway u would want it if i set the gin for 5000>?
@jOHNNY FIZZ what r u saying ? im a scam? im not sure why u felt the need to comment on my auction im not sure where u were going with your comments.. Its just a game, lol. Im a Big RE Fan but if i can sell it for something else i want then by all means i am doing it. I dont know if u were implying your comments to me or not, But im not getting rid of it for free. iF dAFFQUICK Gin;s it like he wanted then it just happends to throw me enough points i need to win a Auction on a MASONIC RING on here. Which is much more of a meaning than a video game but you would have to be one to understand the Greatness of being able to have the HONOR to Bear the Ring.]