Free: 2g White KAOS Earskins - Body - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 2g White KAOS Earskins

2g White KAOS Earskins
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The listing, 2g White KAOS Earskins has ended.

2 gauge White KAOS Earskins. They are made of silicone, so they are made for wear in healed stretched ears. They will not stretch your ears because they are thin eyelits, and I would never recommend stretching with silicone anyway. These ARE opened and the package has been discarded. They will be sent in a regular envelope in a little packet. After all, the shipping is FREE. They have never been worn. At the time, I thought that I would be staying at a 2g and bought many different plugs, because 2g was my goal size and I was excited. I have since stretched to a 00g. They have been in my jewelry box since, and I have finally found a use for them. NO buyer's remorse. You are bidding in agreement of all that I have written in this description. Happy bidding!
Questions & Comments
move up days?
Sep 21st, 2013 at 7:15:08 PM PDT by
I can not, sorry. :(
Sep 22nd, 2013 at 10:26:46 AM PDT by
I'm gonna win this :)
Sep 28th, 2013 at 4:59:01 PM PDT by

2g White KAOS Earskins is in the Jewelry & Watches | Body category