Free: AlphaSmart 2000 Keyboard - Keyboards & Mice - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: AlphaSmart 2000 Keyboard

AlphaSmart 2000 Keyboard
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The listing, AlphaSmart 2000 Keyboard has ended.

The AlphaSmart is a keyboarding device that enables a person to work on the go, much like a laptop computer, but it is strictly for word processing, as it functions essentially like a simple digital typewriter. The Dana (a newer device made by AlphaSmart, Inc.) is an exception, as this device can also run Palm OS applications. Since the AlphaSmart, Dana, and NEO are specialized for limited purposes, they are generally much cheaper than a standard laptop computer. All of these devices are meant to be plugged into an ADB, PS/2, or USB port for transferring the written text into a computer's word processing document for further editing (such as indentation and font preference) or printing if so desired.

The AlphaSmart saves every keystroke directly to the machine's RAM, which is maintained by a battery backup even when powered down. AlphaSmarts can transfer data either by a special program that communicates with the AlphaSmart or by the simpler method of transmitting the keystrokes of the written text as if it were the computer's keyboard. When not transferring text, the Alphasmart can be used as a standard keyboard.

AlphaSmarts are very popular in schools for their affordability and durability. Elementary schools and high schools use them; they are particularly popular among special education departments for use by students with graphomotor challenges.

The machines have also developed a type of cult following among journalists and writers, who find them easy to carry and appreciate the full-size keyboard and long battery life.
Questions & Comments
Default avatar m
does this one have the mac interface?
Sep 24th, 2013 at 1:51:07 PM PDT by
Yes, both MAC and PC PS2 style connectors..
Sep 24th, 2013 at 1:54:10 PM PDT by
what kind of battery . and how long will it battery charge last, months? dose it have a SD card slot?
What kind of hard drive,, of this if the battery goes dead did you lose your 500 page book.?
Is it a word processor with spell check?

3 years ago I looked all over fore one of these.
Sep 26th, 2013 at 1:29:11 AM PDT by
Alphasmart takes 3 AA batteries, I had them lasting up to 6 months with no problems, the device only has 128k of memory because it is a keyboard used only for text. No card slots that I know of, if the battery goes completely dead, then yes you lose your data, but you can change the batteries and you don't lose the data you have stored unless you wait too long.
Sep 26th, 2013 at 5:14:58 AM PDT by
well I bed on it ,, you plug it right in to your keyboard port and tell it to send and it starts typing ? yah,,I forgot what was the ps2 looks like, spelling help ??.
Sep 26th, 2013 at 10:32:12 AM PDT by
hay I just now seen all of your description, listia the mobile app displays only the first 4 lines of it. One must hit it to see if there be more often there is not. Truthfully listia the need to make a big bold indicator that sells us yes there is more of the description.
Sep 26th, 2013 at 10:51:06 AM PDT by

AlphaSmart 2000 Keyboard is in the Computers & Networking | Keyboards & Mice category