Free: Halloween Hair Bow Handmade-one of a kind - Hair Tools & Accessories - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Halloween Hair Bow Handmade-one of a kind

Halloween Hair Bow Handmade-one of a kind
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The listing, Halloween Hair Bow Handmade-one of a kind has ended.

hello, fellow listings! Up for grabs today is a one-of-a-kind hairbow, made by yours truelly. I do own a small crafting company, so I thought why not share it with you guys? this one is made out of fabric, not ribbons & features a black gem center & chains that dangle. it has a French barette back (no photo at this time, sorry) in my shop, I would charge $8 for this piece. I am sorry if the starting bid seems high but, you cannot get this same piece anywhere else.
I really do appologise that at this time I cannot offer entirelly free shipping, as I am a single mom & struggleing artist, however I can offer a flat rate of $2 & I can cover any difference. please pay through PayPal before I can ship this out, I appreciate your understanding!

each time you buy a handmade item, you a getting a little piece of the artists heart & passion..I will be using earned credits towards my 2 kids Christmas & daughters birthday.

I also have a few other bow auctions up, please take a peak!
much love,
Questions & Comments
This is so pretty :)
Sep 27th, 2013 at 5:14:31 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
thanks! (:
Sep 27th, 2013 at 8:10:07 AM PDT by

Halloween Hair Bow Handmade-one of a kind is in the Health & Beauty | Hair Supplies | Hair Tools & Accessories category