Authentic Coach do not ever have signature C's on inside and outside of their bags. It is not authentic. Sorry ! I looked up this style number and it does not even exist. Fake designer items are against Listia rules.
I wouldn't know honestly. Looked real to me. I'm no purse expert though. Just assumed it was real due to it having the Creed on it. If you're sure it is a fake, go ahead and flag or report. It's too late for me to delete, but don't want to go against Listia rules. Will send a message to highest bidder if Listia doesn't delete. Thanks for the unrequested but necessary examination, lol.
will you please add some more photos of the inside and back to show condition and also give measurments? welcome to listia. Be sure to verify your account (Address, etc) so people feel comfortable bidding.
I just posted more pictures and it's a medium-small sized purse. I posted a little more in detail on it's condition because the pictures hardly show the damages on it. You kind of need to see it in person to tell it's used and damaged.
Also, with this particular print, the signature C pattern should be symmetrical, and never have I seen the leather trim on a genuine Coach bag peel to reveal another color underneath. I'm sorry, but I agree with Loren30s that its not authentic. Best of luck though.
I can no longer upload anymore pics due to it being so late in the auction. IF you can't see the creed I'll spell it out for you here. It is No E2J-6391.