W. Bro. Ward is one of the most able and earnest of Masonic students. He brings to bear
on the task of research the mind of a scholar, enriched by extensive reading, much travel
and a wide experience of men and affairs. In addition to being a well known author of
Masonic Works, he was the Founder of the Masonic Study Society, whose first President
was the late Sir Richard Vassar Vassar-Smith, 33 degree, and in whose ranks are to be
found many eminent Masonic writers. Brother Ward has by precept and example led
others to become eager explorers in the realms of Masonic truth. The present volume is
No. 1 in a series of studies as to the meaning of our Ritual. It deals with the degree of an
Entered Apprentice and is calculated to inspire the younger brethren with the resolve not
to content themselves with the outward form of our ceremonies, beautiful though it be,
but to gain a knowledge of the indwelling soul of Masonry and to comprehend the deep
meaning of the ritual with which they are step by step becoming familiar. Hence they will
learn to regard the Craft not only as a world-spread, civilizing medium, nor yet only as
the most benevolent of all Institutions, but also as a mine of surpassing wealth in which
the Wisdom of the Ages has become embedded and preserved.