It is time to tune up those muscles............and get them singing like the chorus in a Broadway show,........and this sassy, sultry,.....20 minute total body toning workout is the way to do it...........Don't cry for me Argentina,,,,cause it is time to tighten those glutes,,,,firm your triceps, tone the chest and back and, ALL THAT JAZZ......... Life is a CABARET, but you have still gotta work..........So grab a couple of one pound cans (i lost the firming cords, ages ago) and let's give those muscles real star quality......Okay, places everybody!......I promise....when you start tonin on Broadway, your body will get rave reviews!!!!!!!!.......FEATURING THESE GREAT BROADWAY TUNES.......Dream Girls.......LUCK BE A LADY TONIGHT......AND the other ones i mentioned above.......This is Richard Simmons at his most wonderful.........I am happy to answer any comments, and questions, as soon as i see them.......If you could fan me that would be great, i am trying to get to 2000 fanns........I pay for shipping, but not for tracking at this time,,,,however i am going to be getting a printer (january at the latest) that way i can print my own postage and save alot of money, instead of taking them all to the post office and sending them off, i had no idea i could save so much, and put on free tracking too!! ......HAPPY BIDDING........purrs..catspaw1955