Free: ***1983 LINCOLN CENT DOUBLE DIE REVERSE*** This is the error listed & Pictured in The Red Book - Coins - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ***1983 LINCOLN CENT DOUBLE DIE REVERSE*** This is the error listed & Pictured in The Red Book

***1983 LINCOLN CENT DOUBLE DIE REVERSE*** This is the error listed & Pictured in The Red Book
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The listing, ***1983 LINCOLN CENT DOUBLE DIE REVERSE*** This is the error listed & Pictured in The Red Book has ended.

***1983 LINCOLN CENT DOUBLE DIE REVERSE*** This is the error listed & Pictured in The Red Book along with many of the Lincoln error cent reference books.
To reference this variety use the following reference numbers:
Fivaz Stanton Numbers:
Old FS-1-036 New FS-01-1983-801
Breen: 2310
Coneca: 1-R-IV
Crawford: CDDR-001
Wexler: WDDR-001
Coppercoins: 1983P-1DR-001
If you search this variety on the Internet I'm sure you will find some great pictures to compare my pictures to. I took the images above in high res using a 15 mp camera and have them saved. I will be glad to email them to anybody that would like to see them larger to compare. IN my honest opinion as a collector to the best of my knowledge this is a genuine, authentic 1983 DDR Error Coin.
*Please contact me ASAP if you have any concerns or problems.
*To verify condition I take High Resolution Digital Pictures of EVERY auction before I ship them and catalog them for future reference.
*If you are unhappy with the coin when it arrives and a return is necessary, Return shipping is bidders responsibility and items must be sent back to me in the original holder, with delivery confirmation and or proper shipping insurance in cases where I sent the item insured(if this auction goes over 10,000 credits I will be insuring it for $49) or I WILL NOT REFUND YOUR CREDITS. It's only fair to send the item back the way I sent it to you.*
I feel this is a fair policy and much, much more than most other Lister's are willing to offer.


*I return all messages ASAP except on the weekends(100% of my weekends belong to my children). guaranteed you will here from me first thing Monday morning if you don't hear from me over the weekend.

Thanks for looking and don't forget to check out all of the other items I have listed.

US Shipping only. No need to ask, I will not ship out of the US. Sorry.
Questions & Comments
If anyone considering bidding would like me to email a large high res image of the obverse or reverse of the coin just send me your email. You can really enlarge these pics on your computer screen as I shoot my pictures with a 15+ mega pixel SLR camera. just ask and I'll be more than happy to send them.
Jan 7th, 2011 at 7:18:56 AM PST by
The winner of my "Jewelry Lot" auction will get ALL of the credits from that auction refunded at the end of that auction. That is correct, You Will Get The Jewelry And Your Credits Refunded And Free Tracked Shipping. A TRUE FREE AUCTION!

Jan 8th, 2011 at 9:36:13 AM PST by
Looks like this is going to end to late for me to get to the post office today. I WILL SEND IT MONDAY. Monday I will send you a confirmation number to track your item through the USPS. Please do not send me any messages asking where the item is or that it isn't there. And PLEASE do not ask for a refund until you get the item. The only reason to ask for a refund is if you want to return the item. I have literally no control over how long the USPS takes getting it to you. Since the SLOW Christmas USPS Fiasco and all the refunds I had to issue for slow mail I have decided to add tracking to every auction. It costs me an additional 80 cents per auction. That adds up and comes out of my pocket so please have some appreciation for that and don't complain about how long it takes.
Jan 8th, 2011 at 7:37:14 AM PST by
Funny to think this has probably touched 100's if not thousands of hands before someone noticed it.
Jan 7th, 2011 at 9:56:07 PM PST by
Funny thing is my hands probably thousands if not hundreds of thousands before I actually found one, When I did notice it, I still had a hard time believing it was actually the variety. I looked at so many pictures before I was able to feel comfortable this was actually the variety that I have it listed as. I'm really surprised nobody has asked me to email them the hi res pics. I found a great site if anybody out there does like to search rolls. It has very nice pictures to use to compare along with all the reference numbers I provided to look the coins up in the cherry picker books.I have no doubt this is the variety only because I researched it and I'm just a little surprised I guess nobody here has wanted any of that info. Oh well, I am going to find that site and list it anyway. It basically shows the most common and well know cent varieties. folks can just save it to there favorites for later use.
this is a price guide, list of most known and great resource of pictures to reference:
check it out and let me know what you think.
here is the link to this actually variety:
There is not a doubt in my mind and there shouldn't be any doubt in yours if your bidding. Just copy and paste these URLs to your browser and let me know what you think.
REALLY GREAT SITE. Every cherry picker should have saved to their favorites if they don't own the books.
Jan 8th, 2011 at 5:55:07 AM PST by
That is one awesome camera!!!!
Jan 7th, 2011 at 2:55:26 PM PST by
love it. thanks
Cannon T1i 15 mega pixel SLR
Jan 7th, 2011 at 3:47:40 PM PST by
Oh and I fanned you too!! ;)
Jan 7th, 2011 at 10:24:52 AM PST by
Thanks, I'll do the same.
Jan 7th, 2011 at 10:48:54 AM PST by
Sweet! I will put my bid in!!
Jan 7th, 2011 at 10:24:10 AM PST by
great, thanks a bunch
Jan 7th, 2011 at 10:49:14 AM PST by
No problem and I hope no offense was taken by them. But I do like learning about this stuff! Very cool and interesting! I am going to start checking my pennies! ;)
Jan 7th, 2011 at 9:49:47 AM PST by
I enjoy learning about them also. The Internet is a beautiful thing, every time we find a coin we haven't seen or a variety thats new to us we start searching. So many collectors in the coin forums discus just about any and every coin you can imagine so all you really need to do is search the date, denomination, country and what you find unique about the coin and you will be amaized at what you can find out. You literally learn something new every day in this hobby. :) and again, sorry if any of my comments were offensive. It's just that you get so many rude unnecessary comments from folks who aren't even going to bid or really don't care about what you have listed it just gets old and can get a little defensive, sorry.
Jan 7th, 2011 at 10:18:13 AM PST by
I think wheaton was just confused on what was meant by "double die reverse". At first I didn't get it either until I noticed that the letters were stamped twice and the doubling came into it...very cool, I never noticed such a thing before, so thank you for educating those of us who are not coin collectors. When I first read the title, I also thought maybe the tails was on both sides, until I read through the comments and figured it out. Some aren't as smart as others.
Jan 7th, 2011 at 8:43:56 AM PST by
No offence intended by my comment. I am constantly getting rude comments on my auctions along with everybody else that lists here and I usually try to find a nice way to handle it and reply as if I wasn't being attacked :) So if what you are saying is true I apologize to anybody who may have taken offence to my reply wheaton included.He was correct in his statement though, weather he meant it or not and that is why I mentioned emailing pictures to anybody that would like to see the obverse. I made a mistake and didn't put up a shot of the obverse so my reply may have seemed a bit blunt but it was a valid answer if that is what he was insinuating. If not it was something I needed to mention anyway.
So sorry wheaton if you were confused and if you weren't confused well then I guess... read my other reply :)
Really do apologize if you were confused though :) sorry I can be a complete ignoramus at times. Hope if he was sincere I didn't chase him off.
Jan 7th, 2011 at 9:04:21 AM PST by
The best image to see the doubling strongest on the C,T an the N's is the black and white. The doubling may not seem as strong on the images Listia shows but if you would like to see my images larger just ask and I will email any of the images and or try to take some better images to send. The doubling on the O is clearest on images 3,4 & 5. The doubling on the O is strongest from about 5:00-7 or 8:00. The doubling on the C and the N in Cent thou it's hard to tell in the pictures Listia provides. They really need to upgrade the system so we can post larger, high res images.
Jan 4th, 2011 at 11:31:48 AM PST by
So it is tales on both sides?
Jan 7th, 2011 at 7:07:13 AM PST by
what would make you leave a comment like that?
maybe ..."can you send me a picture of the obverse" would be a better question.
sure I'd be glad to send you a picture of the obverse, message me your email and I'll get it to you rite away.
Jan 7th, 2011 at 7:14:10 AM PST by
There was an auction that ended this eve with a 1909vdb. people really like togive away the goodstuff on here.
Jan 7th, 2011 at 2:59:15 AM PST by
I love to share coins. I love to here peoples stories and opinions on this site. I pick up stuff on the other auction sites occasionally just because I get a good deal. Like that 1957 proof Franklin half I have listed. Nobody on ebay wanted that proof set because the half was a little hazed up. Well on this site where folks are looking for cheap or free for what ever reason(like good deals, don't have money...) Providing the opportunity to someone who may never have the chance to own such a coin is very rewarding to me. I obviously am not doing this for monetary gain :) but... I love this hobby, since I was a child and remember the excitement of scoring what I considered a great coin(I still get it) ,and knowing that I am maybe giving that felling to someone or maybe getting someone new into the hobby.... That's why I list what I do. I've had more people send me messages offering money or telling me a certain item would make me this much on ebay or what ever. Well, honestly not interested. I have my coins I buy and sell on the other sites. This I do for fun.
Thanks for looking and thanks for the nice comment.

Everybody... Don't forget to check out my other auctions. I have some ~REALLY NICE~ items listed at the moment and the bids are still quite reasonably low. I'm working on putting together a few get it now auctions with lower get it now amounts.

***I'm also thinking about doing some kind of Dutch type auction or something using this great comment format and working on the honor system. I'm still trying to decide how I'm going to do it thats fair and so I don't get burned. Any ideas feel free to comment here :) *JUST FOR A LITTLE FUN*
Jan 7th, 2011 at 4:28:23 AM PST by
Exactly right. My dad just turned 90 and it is still wonderful to sit at the kitchen and pass coins back and forth. I think tomorrow I will tell him so. Thanks for reminding me to do that. Cary
Jan 6th, 2011 at 9:16:08 PM PST by
nice.. when I'm ith my oldest it's a feeling of mystery and antisipation as sar as searching the coins goes. I get the same feeling I would get as a child. That excitement, it's like going on a treasure hunt. Couple that with seeing the look in my sons eyes when he finds something he thinks is a keeper or the look he gives me when I give him one of my special coins. That look in his eye, like my dad is the best dad in the whole world :) There really isn't anything I have to compair it to. It's just a love for the hobby and a love for sharing it. I know exactly how you feal and I'm sure your 90 year old dad knows what we're talking about too :) have fun tomorrow.
Jan 6th, 2011 at 10:31:52 PM PST by
you found these in circulation and bank rolls ?? that is so cool !! I remember when I was 6-7 my dad loaning me 5 bucks and i would work that 5 bucks with my dad till I searched every old roll in the bottom of the bank vault. I would go 5-6 times in one day. Remember one time I hit the jackpot, found a couple rolls that were rolled in the early '20s, maybe 30% indians. Good times !! I remember it became an obsession to get a '55-S to complete the whitman penny book # 2. Your son will have such good memories, sounds like a good dad to me !!
Jan 6th, 2011 at 4:23:21 PM PST by
To be honest it's probably more enjoyable for me than him but it's all good when Dad kicks down a 1 oz silver bar or something to keep his coin blood flowing :) It is a very educational hobby and I get to spend time with him not playing video games or spending money on crap at walmart.. I think as he gets older and has children of his own he will begin to understand and apreciate what we did even more and hopefully in 20-25 years there will be 3 or 4 of us sitting at the table going through rolls of pennies looking for that 1909s vdb or 55 double die and maybe if they're lucky grandpa will pull out a couple of surprises from his old bag of coins for all the children :)
Jan 6th, 2011 at 6:47:21 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
wow this is nice. i love te error cons and i collect the lincolns but buying them cost sooooooo much. i will bid on this.
Jan 5th, 2011 at 2:54:13 PM PST by
yes, it can get a little expensive ~buying~ coins. This is a great coin and who knows what it will go for. Almost hate to list it here but ... all in good fun and the thrill of it I guess. Plus I have my eye on some other items listed here so no point on nickel and diming my way there. may as well put up a decent coin. ya know?
thanks for looking
Jan 5th, 2011 at 3:12:51 PM PST by
tell you what EvanP, since you were the first bidder and showed so much intrest in my coin, even if you don't win I'll send you an error coin ok? :) I'll tell now though it's not going to come even close to what this is worth but I have a couple of interesting errors I've come a cross searching through rolls of lincoln cents with my 12 year old son and I'll have Anthony Jr. help me pick out a couple for you. Sound good?
Jan 4th, 2011 at 11:05:20 PM PST by
Please do not bid until I get a picture of the word UNITED up here. Thanks.
Jan 4th, 2011 at 11:42:50 AM PST by
All set with the pictures now. Unfortunately the images just aren't big enough on here so be sure to ask me for pictures to be emailed to you if these seem to small to you.
Jan 4th, 2011 at 12:47:42 PM PST by

***1983 LINCOLN CENT DOUBLE DIE REVERSE*** This is the error listed & Pictured in The Red Book is in the Collectibles | Coins category