Joe, if you can use the link above to get verified, you can go to your page (where all your auctions are, and look on the left side below your profile pic, scroll down til you see "Get Verified" (or Verification), click on that and a bunch of choices come up, pick "Verify Address" that is the best one to show people you are not a scammer(scammers might set up a fake Facebook or twitter account,so those aren't as convincing , a help yes.) Also you can verify your tel number too. The Trusted Seller Wings and Trusted Seller Badge , you can't do yourself , those are awarded by Listia over time and sales experience. Hope that helps!
Also, you need to answer all questions & give as much info as possible to instill confidence so people will bid higher. Example: give ruler measurement, that will give us an idea of the size.
It would help to build confidence in you if you were Listia verified. Many of us will not bid on an item from a seller who is not verified. I have bought 3 diamond rings that I never received so, I am much more cautious now about only bidding on auctions of verified sellers.