The listing, Magic:TG RaresTieredAuction has ended.
This is a "tiered" style auction for Magic The Gathering rare cards. Winner will receive all cards in pics. There will be 2 rare cards added for every 1000 credits over the minimum bid. I will also add 2 uncommon cards with every 2 rares. Pics will also be added with each set of cards added. I will check and update this often, so, bid with confidence.
This will start off with 2 rares and 2 uncommons,(, Wayfaring Temple , Clone ,Zanikev Locust, Woodlot Crawler) and after the bids reach 2000, 2 more rares and 2 more uncommons will be added. As an incentive to get bids going, I will also start this off with one foil mythic rare planeswalker "Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded"
So, even a minimum bid is going to get
1 Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded
1 Clone
1 Wayfaring Temple
1 Woodlot Crawler
1 Zanikev Locust.
and once again, if the bid reaches 2000 , 2 more rares and 2 more uncommons will be added. And the same for every 1000 credits after.
starting bid is 1000, shipping is free to US and Canada, Happy Bidding.