The listing, Monopoly has ended.
Fantastic visuals and fitting music.
Highly customizable
Provides up-to-date help and statistics
Save your game at any moment
Tons of options to let you play any way you want
Do you like to place a nice cash bonus on Free Parking? No problem! With Monopoly, much of the game is fully customizable. Here are some of the rules you can change:
Free Parking - everyone's favorite customizable rule, change it so you earn various amounts of cash if you land on Free Parking
Properties at Start - for a faster game, randomly distribute 2, 4, or all the properties among players at the beginning of the game
Initial Cash - want so more money to start the game with? No problem!
House Per Hotel - make it so you only need 3 houses before building a hotel
Pass GO Salary - give players more cash when they pass Go
Land on GO Salary - want a bonus for actually landing on GO? Change this to earn more cash.
Auctions - Turn auctions on or off if you don't want to bid on properties players choose not to buy
Play against other players or by yourself
One of the best things about computer Monopoly is you don't need other players. You can play against up to 3 computer players at varying difficulty levels. Or you can play against up to 3 other human players! Or just challenge a friend to a one-on-one game - it's all up to you!
Don't know how to play Monopoly or want to teach someone else? That's easy with Teacher Mode
If you don't know how to play Monopoly, or you just need to refresh your memory, just choose "Teacher Mode" and the game tutorial will walk you through the rules as you play. This is a great way to teach Monopoly to anyone, especially kids! The game is fairly easy to use and almost anyone should be able to get the hang of it pretty quick.