zombies is about the only deck we don't have. angels, dragons, vampires, gorgons, artifacts, beasts and then we have our standard decks. so we don't keep much zombie stuff. I also have cemetery reaper and a grim grim corpse born if you need them. let me know I can put them up. good luck.
I have angels; dragons, drakes and lizards; beasts; wurms and hydras, zombies, as well as a couple other multi-color decks that I just threw together because I had several multi-color cards to do it with....
i do not have any eldrazi. lol. will do you right on the Gin you have been great to deal with. also just posted a Geralf's Mindcrusher blue zombie if your interested. will send you the link when i post that auction for you tomorrow. oh and do you just want the 1 cemetery reaper? i have 3 of that one. just let me know. thanks!