She ask that because lately a lot of PPL been RUNING scams they would put a movie Or the most popular this is the game GHOST for ps3 or the xbox 360 and they wholes up ppl credits a lot of PPL wrote LISTIA to complain now they drop it from 5 days to 4 days and they going for 3 days annd the seller is block for 5 to 7 days they do it again they will be block forever and PPL think they gonna make up a new name and come back but I wrote a program for them to let them know what device or computer that u are Useing and they delete it so that u don't ever come back with ur scams or stealing and i work for NASA but I do side work but this I did for free because I have been personally beaten out of $50 bucks or more I even wrote an auction nameing two of them one is a scammer the other is a stealer check it out and when the days run out I will repost it with more names