I'm about 430 credits shy of being able to get the circular knitting needles I just had a baby on the 15th i was hoping to do a couple surveys to get the rest of the credits i need but having a hard time getting to do the surveys cause they take so long and cuts into my sleep breaks
I'm still new at knitting I just youtubed how to knit with them I'm not sure if I'm gonna be good enough just yet to knit with them but it looks really cool! by any chance do you have any of the knitting needles that has the cord on it that's made for knitting things like hats? I think I could handle it a lil better? I'm not sure what those are called?
Almost all of them are aluminum one miss matched set has a plastic needle the size 2 pack and after I listed I found another needle so there are 6 in that pack so there's an extra if you lose one .