I didnt..+ im verified. fb. phone. and credit card. and u can check my feed back I sold another $25 gift card a couple of days ago. I also have 2 more but im going to list them after this one. I just trade gift cards for point so I can get GameBoy advance games cause all of the big videogame retail stores dont sell them anymore. So at the end of the day you just have to trust me, and if u cant dnt bet, and 1 of the 18 people following this auction would take the gift card happily. hope that helped. -Merry Christmas.
A question, in your opinion, why hasn't your auction gone skyward like other similar auctions. one other question, if i bid , win it and when i receive it ,it has no cash on it-will you co-operate in return of credits-=ty for the answers
well It will go up on the last minute. Thats what happend with the last one. it went for 2k until the last minute that someone payed 25k. To the second question. Return of credits wouldnt be necessary cause the gift card has credits. Like I said before ^ check my feedback and u will see that I sold a $25 one a couple of days ago
you go to amazon.. pick what u want to buy.. then put the code and they take $25 out of the total... sending the card is going to take longer than just getting the code and using it.