oh one one thing cause people say u r giving pictures so if i win would it be the 18 inch doll? or are u giving away pictures and im not trying to be mean im on your side and can u post pics of the doll without clothes and show her strings to make sure it isnt cut or email me a pic and how is the condition or all three dolls u r giving away ag, and the two extra dolls tell me everything thanks
Could you take a picture of the back of the dolls neck for proof that it is American Girl. They don't look like the American Girl brand, they look more Battats dolls. Thanks!
Picture of Kanani comes from this Ebay auction...Use caution when sending shipping money to this person...http://www.ebay.com/itm/American-girl-2011-doll-kanani-doll-book-in-original-box-/221350012501?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33897d2655
i am not saying this is fake but the pic's are stock ones and non of the org. doll i have seen and bid on ag dolls on here and they go for lots of credits also no pic with her name would love this doll but i have been ripped off before and don't plan to any more so i will be passing unless she does as the mod, says so we can all know she is honest and means well they say show me the money i say show us the proof please
Not a good idea for anyone to bid on this. It's got Stock images the seller doesn't clearly state what's being sold they have no seller feedback and even responds to a question with "Whatever hater" It's a disappointment that Listia lets kids like this get away with it
See my post above she took the pictures of Kanani from an Active Ebay auction and even admits to it. If you have a kanani you would be doing all the right things to assure your 200-300,000 credits. I wouldn't bid nor send shipping money. It's too bad we can't see any real dolls on here. I actually have 1 or 2 I could list but I won't because all these fakes are ruining it. It's better for me to sell on Ebay for the cash.
Is your doll if u have in bad condition is thta y u dont want to show cuz if its fake which im not saying but if it is im just using up all my creidts for no reason and btw if i when and the box gets shipped to me and kanniai isnt in it im sending a disput cuz im confused y u only showed two of your doo whicheverybody knows arnt american girl but not the real thing
Yoyo you aren't even winning this auction you can't dispute it. And what you asked for his against policy, once bidding starts you cannot put up a buy it now and she cannot just give it to you if someone else wins. I'd like to know why she thinks putting up three of the same exact pics prove its real.
To make sure you get the most bids and credits from your listings, please add more information about your item. Additional details will help others bid with confidence. This also reduces the number of questions that your bidders have to ask.
Thanks for your cooperation and I hope you earn a ton of credits!
Multiple people have come on here posting fake listings for American Girl dolls. We love AG dolls and want to bid however without actual pictures taken by the seller it's hard to know of the auction is real or not. There have been about 10 in the past week that were not.. All from unverified 0 feedback sellers. The best way to get the most credits is to take a picture of the doll with a sign next to it with your listia username on it so bidders know you are Legitimate and write a better description.. Condition.. Does she have her strings on her neck, come with clothes.. Etc. I would hate to see you not get what you deserve credit wise for an. AG doll