Free: Attention All Squinkiesquishers: Here's JASMINE - Dolls & Stuffed Animals - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Attention All Squinkiesquishers: Here's JASMINE

Attention All Squinkiesquishers: Here's JASMINE
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The listing, Attention All Squinkiesquishers: Here's JASMINE has ended.

Jasmine and Friends for Squinky lovers everywhere !

This is a new package that has two crinkles along the back on the right, one on the left. They are not visible on the front....and do not mess up Jasmine's picture on the back.

There are two Jazzys,
but only one Aladdin...the love of her life,
her favorite large beastie friend Rajah,
Aladdin's large beastie friend the elephant,
Aladdin's little beastie friend Abu,
the Genie (sorry, not really Robin Williams),
the flying carpet for flying,
the draped chaise lounge for chaise-ing..??

In this set you have almost the entire cast....and they're all
cleverly painted with happy expressions..guaranteed to make
ya smile.....and they're all so verrry squissshable....
gotta love 'em...

No GIN's please
Have to ask for a little help with shipping....thank you

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Attention All Squinkiesquishers: Here's JASMINE is in the Toys & Hobbies | Dolls & Stuffed Animals category