Free: 208 Cut Crafts PLUS 2 Bonuses!! - Scrapbooking & Paper Crafts - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 208 Cut Crafts PLUS 2 Bonuses!!

208 Cut Crafts PLUS 2 Bonuses!!
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The listing, 208 Cut Crafts PLUS 2 Bonuses!! has ended.

208 Cut Crafts PLUS 2 Bonuses!!
FREE Shipping

I bid quite a bit for the crafts you see below. I saw that the lady who offered it was very nice (I liked her style) and I had to learn what "craft cuts" were exactly. Since I am not a crafter yet, I am passing everything I received on to lucky you with an added special bonus! Bid it up. You won't be disappointed. :D

You will be getting a total of 208 craft cuts.

*13 flower shapes in each of these colors, blue, green, pink and cream for a total of 52 flowers.

*13 heart shapes in each of theses colors, blue, green, pink and cream for a total of 52 hearts.

*13 butterfly shapes in each of these colors, blue, green, pink and cream for a total of 52 butterflies.

*13 teddy bear shapes in each of these colors, blue, green, pink and cream for a total of 52 teddy bears.

* Grand total equaling 208 shapes! These are great for scrapbooking, cards, making flowers, journals ect. The ideas are endless

***** BONUS***** The winner will also receive 20 mystery stamped images in black ink.

***** Double Bonus***** Just to make this auction more interesting, I will enclose another bonus item.Surprise!

Hey, check out my auctions for mailing supplies (bubble mailers, scotch tape, envelopes and more)
Questions & Comments
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Would it be possible to make the bonus something in a garden theme? For example: flowers, bees, butterflys... anything you could find in a garden! I am a daisy girl scout leader and we are on a garden journey right now. These would make great supplies for our secret garden the girls are building.
Mar 2nd, 2011 at 10:41:39 AM PST by
Nice auction! :)
Mar 2nd, 2011 at 8:19:13 PM PST by
carmenwoolner28 If you win I will try to find something suitable for you. :) I might have a butterfly pin. Not sure. Is that the type you are thinking of?
Mar 2nd, 2011 at 8:25:52 PM PST by
MichiganGramma43 Thank you for your bid, good friend! :)
Mar 2nd, 2011 at 8:26:38 PM PST by
The winner of February's $5 Walmart card was my fan dcaraujo.

Each month I will pick another fan to receive a nice gift. So, fan me if you are not already a fan and I will enter you into the next drawing in early April. Just send me an email telling me you fanned me and you will have a chance. Easy!
Mar 4th, 2011 at 9:06:07 PM PST by

208 Cut Crafts PLUS 2 Bonuses!! is in the Crafts | Scrapbooking & Paper Crafts category