High there fellow Minnesotan! Thanks for stopping by. If you win the auction we can get together for a warm cup of coffee and I'll do a local delivery! Stay warm. Thanks for commenting.
I don't think I know the answer to your question because I am not a very proficient computer user. I don't know anything about ecodes. Does the actual card have an ecode written on it somewhere?. I know that when you scratch off an area in the back of the gift cards there is a number. Is that the ecode? I have only used gift cards in the actual physical store so am in the dark on all of this.! Please please enlighten me...anyone...on ecodes so that I can give katnisseverdeenfan an answer. Sorry and thanks much!
Hey there once again Katnisseverdeenfan... I just did some research on a Walmart service site and this is what I learned......You can use an actual card online if when you scratch off the grey area on the back there is a small pin number in the lower right hand corner (near the larger card number). You just enter this info at checkout (you need both the card number AND the pin). For cards that do not have a pin number you would have to go to an actual store and exchange the card for one with a pin number (basically buy a new card that you can use online as well, as in the store, with the store only card). With regard to THIS particular card though, I don't see any way that I can tell for sure if it has a pin number unless I rub off the gray area on the back and I don't want to do that because that's kind of a weird thing to do if someone else wants the actual card (it would look as if someone might have used it). Sorry, that was an awfully long sentence. I hope you follow all this. What I CAN do though...... is exchange this card myself at my local Walmart for one that for sure is usable both in store and online. That's what I'll do. Tonight. That way whoever wins can use it as they please. How does that sound? Watch for my confirmation comment when the new multi-use card is in hand. And thanks....this is a real education for me!