Free: Awesome Hawk Photo - Photography - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Awesome Hawk Photo

Awesome Hawk Photo
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This hawk was hovering over me! Wow! Digital size is 790 X 878, 620KB. It is watermarked so you only get one copy, but you can make it any size you want as long as you have a printer to do so.
Copyright Belongs to Artistic Creations by Michael
Copyright Notices: The product is the property of Artistic Creations by Michael. All rights in the product belong to Artistic Creations by Michael. These rights are not transferred as part of this agreement.
Limitations of Use: You may not transfer, rent, copy or use the product in any way, in whole or in part, except as expressly permitted in this agreement.
You may not modify, reverse engineer, de-compile or disassemble the software or modify or reproduce the program documentation. We will be glad to do it for you, call us or email us. This is FREE SHIPPING - it is digital so it will be emailed to you. Thank you.
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Awesome Hawk Photo is in the Art | Photography category