Hi, do you know if you're in a hot spot? If you are all you need is the WiFi adaptor. If you're not, then you 'll need to get an Internet Service Provider, ISP for those technologically inclined...I'm not...Depends on your area there are very good and cheap internet providers, for example, I use a company called Clear (I'm in Houston, TX, but I believe they have service in other states as well). Can you tell me a little bit more?
Hi, do you know if you're in a hot spot? If you are all you need is the WiFi adaptor. If you're not, then you 'll need to get an Internet Service Provider, ISP for those technologically inclined...I'm not...Depends on your area there are very good and cheap internet providers, for example, I use a company called Clear (I'm in Houston, TX, but I believe they have service in other states as well). Can you tell me a little bit more?
Hi becky! You're internet speed depends on a couple of things: 1- The ISP's conection speed, most ISP's are doing DSL so you shouldn't have problems with the speed. Try to find out what type of conection (read ISP) your neighbor has; 2- If you are getting a conection then you are already wifi capable but, how old is your PC or is it a laptop (how old?) it could be your Ethernet card that's limiting your speed. Sometimes it's a good idea to clean up the cookies in you system to speed up you conection. Also, you can check your actual conection speed for free on line and places like checkmyspeed.com (or just google it) and see what the actual speed is. Sorry, I don't mean to get into a whole lesson here, but the speed is dictated mainly by your ISP, your modem and router. A USB WiFi port is just like an antenna that picks up the signal and brings it into your PC/lap top and it really, as far a I know, doesn't speed up nor slow down the conection.
My residence is coincedentally in a spot where I'm ineligible for cable internet and we have no landline for dial up. The past 2 years I have been using a verizon air card. The contract is almost up and now we are hunting for alternative service, theirs is too expensive for the quality of service I get. How do I find out if I'm in a hot spot?
Hi tee6942! I understand, companies like Verizon, ATT, Comcast tend to be very expensive on the long run. I'm in Houston, TX and (not meaning to give them free publicity...) I've been using a wireless company called Clear, I understand that they have service all over the U.S. It's 4G speed (DSL) and it only costs, in my area, $35.00 per month....maybe that may be an option. I reiterate that the WiFi adaptor is not an ISP, all it does is pick up the internet signal if you are in a hot spot area - like Becky91663 above - have a neighbor who has a wireless router, then you could use this adaptor to get internet. I use a Netgear wireless router. I have my my Clear modem connected to the router and then the router to my pc. The router is what will give you the capability of creating a "hot-spot" where, if you allow it, others can connect to your internet signal and have internet themselves. Since I don't block my hot-spot signal, anyone within 100 meters of my router gets free internet!!!! (I ought to start charging them!!!! JAJAJA)
For all of you who are bidding GOOD LUCK!!! I need the winner to send me their address via a private message so that I can ship the items on Monday morning....
so this is for the router and the adaptor? I have wired internet and am hoping this will hook up and give me wireless so I can make my laptop mobile around my house? Will this do it? Thanks