The listing, ***Small Box***Samples & Samples has ended.
I have up for grabs lots of samples of different kinds. I was able to get 3 picks of some samples before my camera gave way :) Here listed is the amount of samples of each and what they are.
Yes you get all as it says above ( a small box )
1.MARY KAY *private spa collections* satin hands,
night cream,hand scrub,hand cream..1 of each
2.Yes to carrots. 1 sample body butter
3. Breck salon essentials ,,, 4 samples conditioning shampoo
4. 2 sample bottles of Neutrogena shampoo
5. Alta , 2 sample packs of conditioning shampoo
6. 1 sample bottle of Neutrogena conditioner
7. 2 sample tubes of moisture cream by Mustela ( fragrance free )
8. 2 samples of vital day cream by liiv botanical
9. 2 samples of perfume by TAHITIAN holiday
10. 3 samples of American Crew shampoo.( citrius mint )
You get all this in one small box with shipping free.
You get all together 22 wonderful samples.