Free: ~*~ Organic Sedum Seeds ~*~ - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ~*~ Organic Sedum Seeds ~*~

~*~ Organic Sedum Seeds ~*~
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The listing, ~*~ Organic Sedum Seeds ~*~ has ended.

I LOVE these plants! I won these seeds on here, but have no place to plant them. It would be nice for someone to be able to plant them where they know they are going to be for a long time. I have had these in my yard many years ago and absolutely loved watching them turn color the closer it gets to Fall.

They will start out green then deepen as the seasons go on. Mine got a lot of sun and turned a deep reddish almost burgundy color. I have seen some that don't get as much sun and although they do okay, they don't seem to grow as tall or deepen as much. (Just a little FYI :)

These are also a perennial and will also multiply, so you can have use them as a border (similar to the last picture that I have posted).

**The photo's I have posted are stock photo's.

*** Please make sure your address is verified by the time the auction is over. Thank you :)
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~*~ Organic Sedum Seeds ~*~ is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category