Prepare to roll your Katamari again in Katamari Forever. This exciting new installment in the series comes packed with new visual effects, a new gameplay system, exclusive features for PlayStation 3 and more. Select wood, comic, classic or new default graphic filters, and use your SIXAXIS controller to jump your Katamari with the new Prince Hop action. Choose any of more than 50 playable cousins you can equip with an array of accessories. Experience the excitement of a new system in which the Katamari will suck in nearby objects under certain conditions, and even snap photos in the game to save them to your PlayStation 3 hard drive.
Questions & Comments
Can we have a picture of the disc and the back of it?
Hi Revinor! Here are the photos you requested. There is not a single scratch on the disc. Is is like brand new. It is owned by me (an adult, no children) from a non-smoking home.