Wait let me talk to Brett be right !back and was wondering Is this board really beat up Please don't get afended I mean I know your only asking 5000 just asking:) I
I went every place to lower the days.. This site will not let me. But I truly think we are the only surfers on these site. If you want to pick it up sooner just let me know. Ed 951-352-1100
Seriously have you been at the skate boards yet there's not a lot there but if you play guitar there's at least a couple! Any how thanks I'll give you a call and thanks for trying:)
Hi so sorry I wanted to call you but thought if he really wants this board he should call so any how what's up ? I know he wanted to get it now but he will learn that the world does not revolve around him thank god !! But in reality it's entirely up to you so let me know when is good for you ttys
Well he ended up getting a board in Huntington for cheap 35 so I guess whenever you get key let us know and we will try to get ride again out there so what's up how's everything?