Thanks so much!! I was already your fan! I make a point of fanning anyone that ships Canadian. :) I might be able to list some catnip by its self. and I'll keep an eye out for some catgrass
It would be soo nice of you if you could do that in the future :) If you do happen to list a catnip auction can you please message me so i can be sure to bid :) I am still new to listia but i already love it and i too fan anyone i can find that ships canadian cause there seems to be not many canadians on here :( lol
No problem, I love listia too! There are lots of Canadians on here, you just have to know how to look for them. I find most U.S sellers to be super nice and willing to send to Canada If you ask nice and let them know how cheap it is. For anything under 2lbs the difference in price is less than $1, usually only 10 to 50 cents more. Thanks so much for your interest! :)