Free: TWENTY Silver SPIRAL Tube Beads * SUPERB Style * - Beading & Jewelry Supplies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: TWENTY Silver SPIRAL Tube Beads * SUPERB Style *

TWENTY Silver SPIRAL Tube Beads * SUPERB Style *
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The listing, TWENTY Silver SPIRAL Tube Beads * SUPERB Style * has ended.

Winner gets 20+ of these LONG silver plated spiral tube beads--enough to make several necklaces, or lots of other things! See how GORGEOUS they are in the photos of the necklaces I made!

Each is more than 1.25 inches ... WOW! I have these available with Get It Now if you want a double lot. I also have copper beads JUST like these ... NEW this week!

I added at least one extra in each bag--in case is defective. I've used a TON of these, though, and found very few with problems.

Free US and Canada shipping! I ship on Tuesdays after my listings end Sunday and Monday nights--check for some bargains!

I offer a TON of FREE fantastic beads and findings for crafters to make stunning HIGH-end jewelry! For ideas on how to use them, see jewelry I've made at

WARNING to bidders ... many bids placed in the last minute never register because Listia's servers can get overwhelmed and slow down. If you want something PLEASE place your bid at LEAST one minute before the auction ends--before it's too late!

Check this out: -- lets you donate to classrooms across the country. Your gifts are tax deductible and they send the information in Jan for your taxes (i.e. you don't have to keep track yourself).

Teachers request funding for specific supplies for their classrooms -- lets teachers help needy students or create a neat project, and 100 percent of your money goes to the cause! Look for projects in your home area, or for those for the neediest kids and schools!
Questions & Comments
I absolutely LOVE your curly beads in your 4th and 8th picture's above..WOW!!
Mar 28th, 2011 at 1:48:41 PM PDT by
These beads just look super with just about anything. They are SO great!
Mar 29th, 2011 at 10:02:56 AM PDT by
Nancy, I was wearing the saphire blue earrings today and someone gave you a huge compliment :)
Or rather the earrings got the compliment....
Mar 29th, 2011 at 3:38:03 AM PDT by
Aw thanks! When I wear the Pandora earrings I often get comments on them. They are fun to wear! Did you see the Funfetti and Magenta glitter earrings I listed? I gave away a bunch so I need to make more for Listia!
Mar 29th, 2011 at 8:41:02 AM PDT by
Oh I love these too! I have some but can never have enough beading stuff lol!
Mar 29th, 2011 at 1:09:45 PM PDT by
Did you see the copper ones just like these? First time I've listed them, but I have more if they sell Get It Now. These silver ones have been really popular on Listia, so I keep buying more. Folks just love them, so easy to use and they make SUCH dramatic jewelry!
Mar 29th, 2011 at 8:19:40 PM PDT by
I didn't see your earrings. I have not been around (listia) lately. I just listed a couple of things the other day for the first time in many months. I'm sure they were beautiful :)
I was so glad to see Amy back that I went ahead and listed a couple of auctions... BTW, did you happen to get any news on that person I asked you about? I have tried to find her online and have not been able to. I might be spelling the name slightly wrong, or else she has taken some time off. I have her email somewhere, but it's buried.
Mar 29th, 2011 at 9:35:00 PM PDT by
You can contact her directly through Listia, just go to her Listia page and send her an e-mail that way. But no, I haven't been in touch with her in a long time. The last listings she had, that I know of, were large lots of stuff she had bought for Listia. I got the impression she was kind of burned out on Listia.
Mar 30th, 2011 at 4:21:14 AM PDT by
I'll email you.
Mar 30th, 2011 at 12:10:16 PM PDT by
Apr 2nd, 2011 at 10:07:35 AM PDT by
Apr 1st, 2011 at 10:53:50 AM PDT by
bidding too? LOL ... good luck!
Apr 2nd, 2011 at 10:08:50 AM PDT by
cool, I want!!!
Apr 1st, 2011 at 1:25:26 PM PDT by
Thanks, these are very popular on Listia. Did you see the copper ones?
Apr 2nd, 2011 at 10:08:18 AM PDT by
oooh. no I didn't, will have to look them up, thanks!
Apr 2nd, 2011 at 2:58:04 PM PDT by
They sold today but I'm relisting them tonight, so watch for them!
Apr 3rd, 2011 at 5:22:08 PM PDT by
will you be selling any of the beads shown in the 4th and 8th one's anytime? I REALLY need some kind of pretty chain BADLY!! doesn't have to be real as long as it looks good. and is have bought quite a few beads from you if you remember me?
Apr 3rd, 2011 at 11:41:10 AM PDT by
All of those beads I had on Listia in the past, but I'm pretty much out of them, sorry! I do have more of the big blue twist beads but am hanging onto them for the moment. I have a bunch of very nice beads I will be listing ... I've been lazy about it lately, but I have a few new ones starting tonight, and will get more on later this week!
Apr 3rd, 2011 at 5:22:59 PM PDT by

TWENTY Silver SPIRAL Tube Beads * SUPERB Style * is in the Crafts | Beading & Jewelry Supplies category