travis made this just for you guys!! comments for him are very welcome on this listing. hope you guys love it as much as me. I am very proud to list this beautiful bowie knife that my husband travis made in honor of all my listian buyers, fans, and watchers! this is a elk horn bowie knife with deer stand, it measures 17 inches long. the handle is elk horn enlayed with kingman turquoise and coral and measures 7 inches long, the blade is 440 stainless steel and is hand engraved by travis and has file work also and it measures 10 inches long, the turquoise is enlayed with silvergleem solder, deer stand has feathers and coral and turquoise enlayed on it and measures 8 inches long and 4 inches in height. the stained glass plate measures 10 inches long and 3 1/2 inches wide and has turquoise on it, the color of the glass is like a burnt orange and cream color to it. I hope I have done a good job on the description.but if you have any questions please ask I will answer them as soon as I see them, please leave a comment for travis to show he is appreciated, shipping will be free and this is a 21 day auction so everyone can save there credits and have a chance to bid! I only ship to verified address so please get verified before you bid, good luck to everyone and thank you so much for looking at my auction.