they are not free anymore, Gillette Brazil and Mexico gave them away for free indeed, but you can't have them for free on internet anymore if you still can then go and get a free key then and maybe you can comment with some free keys for everyone here. and are you sure origin blocked them? because I still have it on my account.
Is the guy above says true? IF origin blocked the keys, they don't deactivate previous activated free keys. They will only block keys which are trying to redeem after the block occurred. If that happens what happens to the winner? I'm asking this coz I'm planing to get this :S (Ps. How do I know = happened to me before)
well if you win this auction I will give you the key for the game, if you can't redeem it or if you manage to redeem it but origin decides to revoke your game then I will refund your credits with no problem, I'm a trusted seller, if the key doesn't work and you don't get the game then request a refund and I will be agree to refund your credits back :)