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The listing, charizard ex has ended.
great condition pokemon card. I well not charger for shipping unless the winner wants tracking.
Questions & Comments
jamann4 , jose just looking for attn and talking out of his but hole dont mind him either either way i have hav e a very reasonable sum of credits will be bidding so no worries you will get very good offerrs in last momments of auction <3
I am not worried and that kid Haha my two year old son has more intelligence then him and also my soon to be husband is a butt too let him talk out he's butt just hope he can take what he dishes out
Yes that will be 100% top market tho when you are selling a card you must consider all prices right now you can still pay 400.00 for a playstation 3 120 GB console would you pay that ? No cause you can go any game shop and still buy for 100$ Same in case of cards you cant expect one person to actually pay 100% full retail if listed els where much cheaper then you consider as well the card condition there is no way to evaluate a card 100% every little surface scratch every lil spec dust into the edges that cant be blown off without harming the card or simply lil smudges degrads the valu more and being only one picture how can you tell the dmg to the card? YOu simply can not i agree on trollandtoad it is a 99$ card tho on ebay can see them not only listed for 70$ but also not selling for 70$ not even geting bids heck i could list any car for any amount dont mean someone is crazy enough to pay for it lol tho local shops will always compete with online pricing as well to gurentee it iknow 4 local shops here does and could get much much cheaper from them then online in genral im sure my city is not only place in the world with local card sellers O_O
Awe good for you would you like a bozo button or a cookie I'm really hating you bashing my stuff so if ur not bidding or have questions on the auction then shut up thank you have a great day thank
ilistrator pikachu eh xD? there is only 6 prints 5 of which never went on market and only 1 is on market for around $100.000 if you have that kind of money for a card i bet you willnot be using listia also know 4 of the contest winners nice procrastination tho lmfao ! the coro coro iliistrations was only given in that contest so you are either lieing or you are in ownership of a fake lmao
I have tried when you first asked and it didn't take but I did add another auction with the back picture and its the same look and please its no bother when it comes to the cards just when ppl are rude
im n need of a shiny charizard + gold reshiram if have. This oen makes me woudner tho being no feedbakc every fire red leaf green charizard i always got scammed on on here sofar T_T one my fav prints also its a 40-60$ card not 100$ lol matt