Free: Zombie's Favorite Kitty Cat Head Bands! ~Choose From 3 Colors!~ - Hair Tools & Accessories - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Zombie's Favorite Kitty Cat Head Bands! ~Choose From 3 Colors!~

Zombie's Favorite Kitty Cat Head Bands! ~Choose From 3 Colors!~
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The listing, Zombie's Favorite Kitty Cat Head Bands! ~Choose From 3 Colors!~ has ended.

Welcome Back! I am back with yet another head band auction because you crazy cat's can't get enough <3

About this auction!
Quickly becoming the most popular auctions that I have ever listed, I am back with more kitty cat head bands! This time, choose from three different colors! I have a Blue/Grayish animal print, a Brown/Bronze animal print and the ever popular SOLID BLACK! All headbands are thick sturdy, but comfortable wire. THESE WILL NOT BEND OUT OF PLACE! All of them are wrapped in a super soft, lux silk fabric so it wont snag at hair or scratch you. They are perfect for kids, teens and adults!


A wonderful fan of mine (and of these head bands) sent me some fascinating pictures from the feburary edition of In Style (I think it's In style) Magazine. Guess what? These headbands have their own full page spread! Celebs like Taylor Swift, Julie Newmar, Katy Perry, Several Korean & Japanese Pop Groups and so many more are wearing these exact same headbands! Eugenia Kim, a high fashion accessory designer even has her own version in black patent leather. Thankfully for you, you can bid on mine without the $115 price tag ($115!!!! WHAT!?)

Bid with confidence folks and snatch up your own pair of Kitty Cat Ear Headbands! Once this style is gone, they are all gone. I know this because I completely bought out the store near me who were selling them (They brought them over from Korea two years ago)! You can find variations online but trust me, none are as comfortable as mine <3
Questions & Comments
Ok....I am already a fan and I need this for my next Kat's Meow Box...LOL. Watchin 00
Apr 10th, 2014 at 7:14:12 AM PDT by
Haha they are the most popular headbands on Listia! Thank you for watching <3 :3
Apr 10th, 2014 at 9:18:15 AM PDT by
I wish u had pink
Apr 10th, 2014 at 9:00:17 PM PDT by
Still trying to find them in colors. My apologies :(
Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:55:30 AM PDT by
These are just so cute!! Already a fan, watcvhin and hope to get in on the bidding!!
Apr 11th, 2014 at 11:07:51 PM PDT by
Thank you so much :) these are definitely one of the more popular items I have listed, I wish you the best of luck if you decide to bid <3 you are going to love these!
Apr 14th, 2014 at 8:56:21 AM PDT by
I love this!
Apr 17th, 2014 at 11:02:19 AM PDT by
Oh hai! Good to see you!!!!
Apr 17th, 2014 at 7:18:11 PM PDT by

Zombie's Favorite Kitty Cat Head Bands! ~Choose From 3 Colors!~ is in the Health & Beauty | Hair Supplies | Hair Tools & Accessories category