I'm sorry for whatever you're under the impression of but it's been a fair bid the whole time. It's been set @5,000 credits as the start bid from the start. Obviously nothing can be changed especially once a bid is made. Everyone's had a fair shot from day one. If there are going to be any issues from bidders, then I hope they do not bid because it's very rude to start trouble when nothing has been rigged like the previous commenter is trying to imply.
I originally set the bid @499 credits with $5.80 shipping but had no offers. This is my second time putting the dress up for auction because no one had bid on it the first time around so I relisted it. So, yes... I did offer to lower days & list it as GIN bid with free shipping but you all know that there's no way to change it after a bid has been cast. So... If you choose not to bid, okay but there's no foul play here. I was just being nice & trying to offer a temporary GIN. But I don't gave my sellers wings yet so that was the only way to do so.