If You check it says that $1.00 Dollar is about 1000-credits, but it is more like $1.00 Dollar is 2000-credits, You can check my side and I just do it like $1.00 Dollar for a 1000-credits, I don't really get what I paid for, but it is also for fun; And I would start out a little higher when it is $50.-- Dollars, like about 5000-credits and in case no one is bidding then You can lower the starting bid, but I learned most of it with just watching other people and how much they charge, check a little other auctions out, it really helps and yes I will be bidding but always wait to the last day then there is a bidding war, don't worry when You don't have high enough bids in, they will most likely go up in the last couple of day's, if You need help with anything else please ask, I had lot of really nice people helping me out on the beginning