so are these used or did you just test them to check them? do you know if this will fit an early 2008 20inch Mac? G2 computers store told me it would cost $180 to do this and install them. i want to try to do it myself. just want to see if these will work for my Mac. if so, i plan on bidding really high
If you win I may be able to do the tracking also I'm not saying I'm poor but,,,money is definately tight.So ,,it depends on the cost .I can say the winner will have them in the mail by noon.
meissa: I have made a mistake I have a set of chips up for auction these I am bidding on myself.I was scrolling through got them mixed up ,,,,it can happen,lol
Well I zoomed in and did my best to read the tags and if those are the right numbers the ram is ECC. Heres the link.