The listing, 40 XY Booster Pack Codes Tiered Auction - Pokemon TCGO has ended.
The winner of this auction will receive XY booster pack code to be redeemed online in pokemon TCGO.
For every 400 credits thereafter, I will add 1 XY code. The first extra code will be given if the bid reaches 800.
The following are applicable for advanced bidding :-
a) If the bid reaches 1600 ---> Then I will add 1 code for every 350 credits after that
b) If the bid reaches 3000 ---> Then I will add 2 codes for every 500 credits thereafter
c) If the bid reaches 5000 ---> Then I will add 3 codes for every 600 credits thereafter
The following scenarios :-
1) Bid b/w (800-1199) ---> 2 codes are given
2) Bid b/w (1600-1949) ---> 4 codes are given
3) Bid b/w (1950-2299) ---> 5 codes are given
4) Bid b/w (3000-3499) ---> 8 codes are given
5) Bid b/w (5000-5599) ---> 16 codes are given
Hope this info helps
40 booster codes of XY are up for grabs.
So Good luck and happy bidding !!!
PS - b/w = between