Free: 1970 White House ELVIS Presley The President Richard NIXON and the King cover Envelope famous photo - Other Collectibles - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 1970 White House ELVIS Presley The President Richard NIXON and the King cover Envelope famous photo

1970 White House ELVIS Presley The President Richard NIXON and the King cover Envelope famous photo
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The listing, 1970 White House ELVIS Presley The President Richard NIXON and the King cover Envelope famous photo has ended.

Offered is an unused approximately 3 1/2" (3.5 inch) by 6 1/2" (6.5 inch) envelope that might have been for a first day cover for the Elvis stamp but not stamped.

Titled "The President and the King," it displays the famous photograph of then Republican President Richard NIXON and "The King" musician ELVIS Presley.

Nice condition with a slight center line smudge from print on front and back that does not detract.

This meeting that occurred December 21, 1970 is one of the most requested photographs National Archives in Washington, D.C. receives according to the George Washington University. See its history at:
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1970 White House ELVIS Presley The President Richard NIXON and the King cover Envelope famous photo is in the Collectibles | Other Collectibles category