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FREE: BOGO 2 Books for 1 Sex, Lies and Online Dating and The Dating Game

BOGO 2 Books for 1  Sex, Lies and Online Dating and The Dating Game
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by Rachel Gibson, USA best selling author of The Trouble with Valentine's Day.
What is it about men anyway? Bad cars, bad jobs, even bad teeth-nothing convinces them that they can't snare a size 2 babe with a D-cup chest. And after way too many internet dates with men named "luvstick" and "biddaddy182", Lucy Rothschild should know.
But sitting across from her now is "hardluvnman", and he seems different-sensitive, honest, and hot! He says he's a plumber, while Lucy claims she's a nurse! She's really a mystery writer, dating online while researching her next book. Hey, everyone lies a little, don't they?
and online dating
But Quinn's really an undercover cop hunting down a serial killer, and he sees Lucy as his top suspect. And while he could really go for this smart, sexy woman with the killer bod-if that's the only thing "killer" about her-he knows he needs to wine and dine her and discover the truth. Hey, he realizes the dating scene can be deadly-but this is ridiculous!

The Dating Game is by Natalie Standiford. About a High School Girl experiencing the dating game.
Questions & Comments
May 12th, 2014 at 12:44:29 AM PDT by
Cool, thanks
May 12th, 2014 at 2:47:57 AM PDT by

BOGO 2 Books for 1 Sex, Lies and Online Dating and The Dating Game is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category