Yes, thats my baby girl! When Abbi passed 5 months ago i couldnt live without a dog in my life. I paid $800 for abbi, from a breeder i thought, but abbi had major health problems, so now i know it was a puppy mill. I got Savana from a local shelter. She picked me out or Abbi was with us that day helping me choose a dog. Savana is perfect. Smart, loving, etc. Just like my abbi was. My heart will never heal from abbi being gone. When i move and get settled, im getting a cavalier king charles spaniel from a very reputable breeder this time. Have a happy day!!! Is there another email i can email u at, or is this one ok? I can give u my email if u want it. Im on my phone all day long!!
I just read my last comment, I will be in wash for xmas for a week. I'm going to Missouri in Sept to meet my brand new 4th grandson!!! Maximus Alexander Imes. What a name. He was named after the movie, where the wild things are. And his room is the same theme. Can't wait. How are you? What's up first name? I don't know what to call you! LOL!!!
My son has a store in Everett!!! He's a dist mgr for rent a center. And does extremely well. He was born with a photographic memory. You would love time!!! I like it when he's funny. Cracks me up. . He will be 33 in Aug. Chad is 34 rite now. Do u still have my address and pH number? Hang on to it Cruz I really want to meet in sept, ok
Her kidneys are failing from all the mess she's taken for 20 yrs. Rum avoid arthritis med is the problem. Don't know what the Dr is gonna do. That's why I'm moving to ventura. She had a heart attack last nov. Now her kidneys. I just keep praying. She's 80 yrs old. Still drives and gets around.
I'm saving all my credits for this stone. I want to surprise my mom with it on a necklace! We have Fred mer here too and I used to work for kroger. Kroger owns us all. I have broken gold that I'm saving for the setting.
already a fan. got a ?? for u I see u have a lot of different stone. do u know about the healing powers of the different stones?? and B. what is the best one to get for arthritis and fibromyalgia.
My 2 boys are my life, not to mention my 5 grandkids. I have a brand new grandson that I will see in sept. Can't wait. Then there's my little bubba, hunter, he will b a yr in july. Will see them in wash for xmas. We should meet and say hey over lunch!!
It is really nice. I was born and raised there. Moved to vegas in 1982. My boys know vegas as home, but they don't live here now. One in wash, and one in the air force in missouri.
Yes and hot rite now. 106 monday. I'm moving to ventura, calif first of the yr to b close to my mom. She needs help. Ventura is on the beach, and I love the beach!!!
Yes I have a brown Tourmaline crystal...somewhere. I would be hard put to find it right off the bat. By the way - it's one stone, brown Tourmaline is also called Dravite.